16 July 2011

It ain't easy....

Nothing is impossible, I know! But it ain't easy! Especially for a person like me. Mulut berat bak kata my mom.What's the matter, alligator? Apa masalah dengan mulut berat ni? Apsal berat? Ada berlian ker? Maybe! Who knows?( I should go and see dentist the soonest :p)

I've just started working at a new place, actually. After 4 years slavering myself to the Japanese,(Japanese ke? Ke....Indians? :p) I have decided to move on. As much as I would  love to stay with my old company (not because I love to work there, but because of some good friends), I had to make this tough decision for my career progression (my ex-boss's favorite words. Pooooodahhh!!!)

I fell in love with my new job almost immediately. I love my job, sooooo love(1000times) my new bosses (cool and stylish women to look up to), love the working environment, etc. I have nothing to complaint yet!(read that carefully.YET!). But as usual, starting new, I have to make new friends all over again. It is not easy for me because even in my previous company, I had only 2 good friends. hahahahahhah. Nothing about being picky, but I don't trust anybody there!

So, on my 1st day at work, I had to put up my fake friendly smile, but after a while, I got tired pretending and ended up sitting at my place with my signature frown. People must be thinking....what a snobbish newbie the bosses have hired. hahahahahaha. NOOOOO!!! I'm not a snob. I'm just not friendly, don't make the first move (but I won't stop talking if you approach me) and frown a lot. I look fierce too, even when I smile:p

I started to feel the emptiness as soon as I had my first lunch at the new workplace. I ended up eating alone and realized just how much I missed my lunch buddies! sob...sob....sob.... Yeah...yeah...Time will heal everything, but how long? I can't stand waiting for food alone without anyone to talk to. Thank God I have blackberry to keep me entertained. But still....it doesn't talk back to me. tskk...tsk....

It ain't easy.....seriously!


Lee said...

Hello Iza, congratulations in getting this new job.
Thats one way of climbing the Corporate ladder. Nothing like jumping ship after some years experience....short cut rather promotion.

Here's wishing you....May the wind always be at your back, and the sun upon your face, and the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

You have a pleasant day and keep a song in your heart.
Selamat berpuasa.

iza bakar said...

Hi Uncle Lee..
Benn missing your sweet comments on my posts. How have you been doing? Thanks for the kind wishes.

Lee said...

Hi Iza, i came back to read your this post again.
I love your humour. And you write very well.
It is postings like yours that brings a smile or laugh to people who read.
And can see you write from your heart, your feelings.

Thats the way to go, Iza.....from your heart....to our heart.
You have a niceday, simpan satu lagu dalam hati.
ps, hope you have made some good friends now.
Ada handsome Brad Pitts ke George Clooney's? Ha ha.

IZA BAKAR said...

Hi Uncle Lee,
Sorry to make you read this post all over again. I know I have left this blog for quite sometimes and reader like you makes me all enthusiast to write again. hehehe. Thank you.
Anyway, there isn't any Mr.Clooney or Mr.Pitt in my office. Not even close to Anuar Zain. HAHAHAHAHAHAH

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