29 November 2010

Sesaat Ku Terkesima...

Remember when I told you about Hana Tajima in my previous post? Do you even know that she is currently in Malaysia with her good friend Yuna to unveil her fashion line, MYSAA to Malaysians for the very first time. Aren't we just lucky???

Ow....cerita pasal Yuna ni.....frankly I was never a fan until recently....after her transformation from the "indie girl" to a stylista. Well.....I won't deny that she is one talented girl. And the image she carried was something new to Malaysia's music industry. Smart, talented song-writer, sopan santun, bertudung, and etc. Tho she is not drop-that-gorgeous, tapi dia ada aura tersendiri la. Ishh....napa tiba-tiba I jadi taksub kat Yuna ni?? Dah kono pukau ko apo?hhahahahaha.

So, here's the story! Since my write up pasal Hana Tajima and Muslimah fashion industry, I've been eyeing both of these girls since deorang ni ala2 BFF la kan.. Selalu gaks la melawat blog deorang. I've been captivated and inspired without knowing that Hana Tajima will be coming to meet her Malaysian fans. I must be very lucky to start knowing her then, kan! Kalau tak melopong jelahhh....tak kenal sapa bestpren Yuna ni. I memang teringin sesangattt nak jumpa 2 perempuan ni. Lepas tau pasal event Yuna vs Hana : Live Fashion, Love Music....I've been dreaming of meeting my 2 favourite people on that day. Berangan je la kan....even dah tau tak bley pegi cs the event will be on Monday 3-6pm. Why did you choose Monday of all the days? WHYYYYYYYY???????

Tapi, memang betul la. Doa orang2 yang teraniaya macam I ni selalunyer akan jadi kenyataan. wakakakakakkaa. Nak tau napa???????







Korang adooooooo???

Giler ko nyah?????Mak jumpa they olsssss sebelum dari event yang korang nak sangattt pegi tu. Jangan jealous u olsssss:)))) Perasaan mak masa tu? Tuhan jelah yang tau..... Jap mak nyanyi sikit eh....

"Sesaat....ku terkesima....pada indah pesona mu. Sekilas kau senyum padaku...malarutkanmu dalam kasihku". Echehhhh....hahahhahahahha

Moral of the story : Believe in your dream! And be at the right place. hehehehhe


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