01 November 2010

Mari belajar mengira

Kenapa tiba2 nak belajar mengira ni? Bukan I blaja finance ke dulu? I dah tak reti kira ker? Ker.....semua nombor dah lintang pukang sampai tak boley nak kira. Memanjang negatif jer:(

Bukannyer apa. Many people lost their intelligence,pride,judgement and sense when it comes to money. Lagi banyak duit, lagi susah nak kira. And start berkira-kira apa nak buat dengan duit yang melambak tu. Like myself, an average wage earner, calculation is simple. Let me show you how :
p/s: All figures shown are for illustration purpose only. Tiada kaitan dengan yang masih hidup atau yang telah mati.
Income = 3000 minus Expenses:
1)Car = 750 ni kalau pakai keta buatan Malaysia la. Ni kira installment je tau. Tak masuk maintenance cost lagi. Paham2 jelah keta buatan Malaysia ni. Ehem2 la kan. Ada jer benda nak repair. Malaysia BOLEH! Boleh la sangat....
2)House = 800 ni on average je. Tak kira la umah sewa or beli. Negara MAJU la katakan. Semua mahal. Pirahhh mabuk
3)Phone+internet+ASTRO = 200 ni yang paling busuk la I kira. Tapi, sapa suruh korang pakai telefon, internet and subscribe ASTRO? Tula "DEORANG" cakap, "ubah cara hidup". Tak nak dengar. Lepas tu complaint gaji tak cukup. Bloody b*s#ard betul la sapa yang cakap ni kan. Cakap pakai otak la, bukan ikut sedap mulut je. Ni dah jadi keperluan la sekarang.
4)Study loan / PTPTN = 250 . Ni la nama dia pinjaman sampai syurga, cos THERE'S NO END to the loan repayment. Interest yang tak berhenti 2 berjalan. wakakakakakakakak.Macam haram.
5)Petrol & toll = 500. Esok RON 97 naik harga. SYABASH beta....(ni skrip hindustan marah)
6)Nursery,susu+pampers anak = 400. Ni pun I kira nursery yang letak budak kat living hall and baring tengok dinding je. Buku takda, toys takder.Takda belaja apa. Yang macam tu boley la dapat 250. Nothing less. Susu ngan pampers pun yang sempoi2 je. Don't you dream about milk with DHA or mommy pokoyo pampers. This calculation is for 1 child yer. Children doesn't come cheap these days.hukhukhuk. Kalau nak beranak lebih, haaa....."Lu PiKiRla sendiriiiiii"

So, take a calculator and see how much balance I still have at the end of the month? 100 eh? Owhh....ok la tu. Cukup2 jer buat belanja makan husband and wife for the whole month. Crazy rite? 100 can't even last you for 1 week. Makan roti canai singgit tiap2 hari boley la. Lepas tu end up high blood pressure. Too much of cholestrol. See, I told ya! Its not hard for me to calculate because my balance sheet is always zero at the end of every month. hahahahahahah.

Its different from people with billion ringgit. Sampai tak reti nak kira dah pasal banyak sangat. Membazir tak hengatt walaupunnn....bukan duit deorang or even mak bapak deorang. Malaysians.....WAKE UP! This is the reality. A developed country is not judged by its 100-storey skysCRAPer! There is a glut of offices in KL. Developers are facing hard time to rent / sell their office spaces. And it will cost the country a 5billion worth of damage. Woot...woot! This landmark tower will eclipse the 88-storey Petronas twin towers completed during Mahathir's administration. So, what is this all about? Nak compete siapa boley naikkan bangunan lagi tinggi ker? Weiii....."ini harta bukan Ahmad Albab yang punya". The money belongs to the people.

The country is advance in the eyes of the world if the health,education,people's welfare,public transportation are efficient. Bukan pasal berapa tingkat bangunan paling tinggi yang ada kat sini and tak jugak because of the mega entertainment hub yang ada. Another thing... Ada orang nak invest ke pun buat building tinggi2? If yang cakap tu one of the opposition leader, dah tentu2 la cakap deorang politicize kan issue. But when Richard Branson speaks, he speaks on behalf of the foreign investors! Ke....Richard Branson dah lompat parti....masuk Keadilan/DAP/PAS? wakakakakakakkaka.

Adoii...malas nak cerita banyak la. I am done with my mathematics tutorial for today.So, kalau korang tak reti2 gaks mengira, baca banyak2 skit. Tapi bukan la baca "Utusan Meloya" or tengok "Belitin Utama". Choose your reading material wisely. Sebab tu kena spend on internet kat atas tadi. Kita bukan kena "ubah cara hidup" tapi "ubah orang yang manage duit negara kita".hahahahhahha.This is our country's future and money we are talking about. Think and calculate wisely:)


Niki said...

the sorry state of our country.

Iza Bakar said...

yes...and the sorry state of people like me:(

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