04 November 2010

Social Illness!!!

Amende yang kecoh sangat lately ni pasal "social network"? Semua orang sibuk nak ada Facebook, Tweeter,etc. Yang paling tak boley belah tu, abis satu keluarga, kalau ikut salasilah keluarga tu...dari tok moyang sampai cicit cuit semua ada at least 1 akaun social network ni.kahkahkahkah. Lawak betul la. Sampai kadang2 takda privacy dah rasa. Yela....abis auntie,uncle semua dok kat situ. Tak add nanti, terasa hati plak. Add plak karang, abis cerita2, gambar2, apa yang kita buat semua dia gi pukul canang satu dunia. Ishhh la.

There are pros and cons about these social network. Maybe I should list down some that I have determine throughout my observation (macam nak buat thesis plak:)
1)Meeting lotsa new friends(only for genuine case la. If yang dah kawin pulak sibuk mencari jodoh, udah takderler eloknye Yeop), making network, get in touch with current(semua orangnyer birthday boley tau. Looks like we really remember all the numbers kan.hehehe) and long lost friend(I met my primary school friends here and its fun to see how we much we have changed. Semua posted photos with family and I can't believe how much we have grown up)
2)To do business, mostly online. Banyak yang buat business online sure ada FB account. Easiest way to expand customer base.
3)Politician/celebrities spread words/news/latest updates through FB and tweeter. Its also a way for them to gauge fan's support and also to create the bonding between idol and fans.
4)To share ideas / gain ideas from your network. (eg:any suggestion on a nice place for holiday?)
5)To share good or bad stories/personal experience/knowledge that will change other people's life. Also a good base untuk berdakwah. Lately, I've seen lotsa posts on religious stuffs. Alhamdulillah!
1)People use it as a platform to spread untrue stories/fitnah about others.
2)Tempat nak mengumpat/menyindir orang. Yang jenis tak berani nak face to face cakap ni, akan update status yang sarcastic bagi orang lain terasa and end up cakap "siapa makan cili dia terasa pedas". What da....?? (eg:kenapa ada orang bangga tunjuk benda tak elok dia buat kat FB?) Well for me, if u think that someone u know did something wrong, then its better to approach them nicely and tell them what u think, rather than main letak kat status and bagi org yang tak kene mangena comment plak kan.
3)Jadi tempat meluahkan perasaan marah kat someone yang ada dalam friend's list. Tak gentleman la wei! If tak puas hati, either buang je orang tu from your friend's list or private message je la.
4)Tempat berbangga2 dengan gambar2 yang tak berapa senonoh.
As for now, I think Tweeter and Facebook is the most popular social network. Im not sure whether Friendster still exist or not. Memang korang ni kacang lupakan kulit betul la. Dulu...bangga giler ada Friendster. Sekarang...password firendster pun dah tak hengatt. "SOCIAL!!"(Bak kata A.R Tompel dalam filem Anak Bapak)
Anyway, the answer to whether the social networking tool is good or bad is in your hand. Tepuk dada, tanyalah Iman. Bukan tanya selera dan bukan jugak tanya Iman Nadyne tau.... tanya IMAN! Sebab, kalau tanya selera, nanti jawapan macam2 pulak. Nasi ayam la, nasi lemak la, nasi beryani la. Tanya Iman Nadnye nanti jawapan dia "NANAKKK".hahahhahaha.


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