03 December 2010

Iman is a rawkstar

I have been praying real hard ever since I gotta know that I was pregnant with my first baby girl that she will be a perfect baby girl, inside out. Masa mengandung, selain dari bacakan ayat-ayat Quran utk dia,tiap-tiap hari dok tengok baby mata biru la, hijau la, hoping that miracle will happen, which is.... Anak I kuar mata biru. hikhikhihkhik. In your dream la wei!!! Puas la I menatap muka Aishwarya Rai supaya baby I santekkkk macam dia. Bila tengok Iman Nadyne sekarang, memang ada pun macam Aishwarya. Dekat tepi belakang telinga dia. Wakakakakakakakak

But I have to admit that Iman Nadyne is the prettiest and cutest baby girl that I have ever seen in the entire world. Wahhh.....pengakuan maut gitewww. Mommy Iman masul bakul angkat sendiri. Yelah....if I tak angkat sendiri, siapa pulak nak angkat? Takkan nak suruh korang pulok? Giler malasss kan.

Well....trust me. Every parents would feel the same about their children. Bior la anak dier ghoppperr apa pun, tapi tetap menjadi pooojaaan hati. Iyela...udah itu? Kita yang mengusungnye 9 bulan....sepaghuh nak mati gayenye.....mesti la baby kita yang tercute,tercantik,terbijak.....segala terrrrr la.

So, whats the story morning glory? I have always wanted to register her to the kids modelling agency, since she is one heck of a super diva who loves to pose in front of the camera. Well, at least when she is still young. That wasn't my plan for her career, of course. I've always wanted her to go to Islamic school to equip her with the best foundation as a Muslim. The world is scary these days. Anyone could easily "drown" except those who truly hold on to the religion. Takkan la nak pursue in modelling pulak kan. Tak elok di dunia dan akhirat. Nauzubillah.

So, after all these years envisioning Iman being a kid model, the opportunity finally came to us. It was a simple and casual thang for Iman's very first YouTube appearance. Thanks to Caprice, Malaysia's very own talented young rapper, song writer and entrepreneur for the offer. So, check out Iman Nadyne first modelling debut in Caprice's latest hits, Breakfast. I won't elaborate further on the song cos takut ada yang terasa pulak. Sapa2 yang terasa, buat relax je dowh:)



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