26 May 2011

On my priorities in life !

I'm staring at all the promotions, discounts, newly launched products and other similar e-mails I receive every single day. Regretting all my subscriptions because the temptation is just too much to abide! It's a tough call between needs and wants!

PRIORITIES! Abah's (my dad) favourite word. Abah always remind us (my sibblings) to know our priorities in life, prioritize things and do things according to the priority. Urghhh!! That word used to irritate me like crazy but not anymore.Thank you abah, for the priceless life lesson. I'm living by ze word now!

I have learned that people set different priorities in life. Like my abah, he saved up his money for our education (He bought loads of books instead of toys when I was a child. He didn't buy us the video player until I was 10 after seeing us enjoying ourselves watching videos at cousin's place, invested in properties rather than cars and refrain himself from travelling though he could afford it. At his age now, he should be enjoying his life, lepak at home, spend quality time with mak (but I doubt they would. hahahahahhaha), go travel the world or perform umrah (Mekah is the place he loves most). But that's not the case. He spends his time at home with his beloved children (US) and the grandchildren(so cute to see him joking around with little diva), prefers to eat at home rather than outside (he says mak's cooking is the best in the world) and will only travel when his children are around because he loves our company. But ever since my sister and I are married, he had to travel with the remaining unmarried ones most of the times.

In my case, my priorities used to be looking good in the best outfit, make-up and accessories that I could afford, dine in the best restaurant in town, travel in style with Mr.Hubby, yadayadayada..... But my priorities have changed ever since little diva came into my life. It is all about her now and forever! It's about ensuring that I provide her with the best milk, diapers, clothes, food, home, education, medical coverage, etc. I am now more cautious with my spendings just like abah! I ignored all SALE messages sent to my inbox or phone, I will turn elsewhere whenever I see shops with big price cut signs, I learn to enjoy "window shopping" which was never in my dictionary before, pretend like I don't care about Air Asia free seatings promotion on my e-mails, turn deaf ears to people chattering about their latest purchase, etc.  Now I truly understand what abah did for us. He was not stingy (as what we label him) but rather being mindful of other PRIORITIES in his life. He saves his money so that he could extend financial aid whenever his children are in need.

I'm grateful to have abah as not only my father, but also my mentor. He tought me well about life. Ima do exactly like what he did. Set my children as my priority and I will never go wrong with my money. I will save my desire to travel the world, unless the basic matters are taken care of (child education, insurance coverage, own comfortable house, food and clothes) and I have enough money to bring my kids along, put aside my longing to own luxurious bags that would cost me around at least RM2000 to RM3000 when all I have in my purse is less than RM100 :p, forget my fascination for fashion, perfume and makeup (which I'm not ready to give up justyet. Urghhhh!!!)

So, have you set your priorities yet? Get your priorities right before making any decision in life, okay! Do not attempt to be someone else when what you could afford is far less than what they can. Bak kata orang Melayu, "Ukur baju di badan sendiri". Renung-renungkan....dan selamat beramal :)))


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