14 March 2011

Panduan cari jodoh

Hmmm....interesting topic to singles out there. To those who are taken....take this in...and evaluate if you really have made the right decision based on the guideline which was outlined by our beloved prophet, Muhammad S.A.W. Bak kata orang-orang melayu yang confuse.... CUBA TRY tengok if ada apa-apa panduan lain kat dunia ni yang lagi betul dari yang ini.

So...what inspired me to rite about this? My observation basically... on country's marriage institution.We hear and see more and more young married couple around us, which is a good trend. Making it legal to avoid other issues like pre-marital pregnancy and subsequently unwanted babies. However, this quick marriages have somehow contributed to the skyrocketing divorce rate in our country, which have increased a whopping 105% over the past 8 years, based on the statistics provided by John Emmanuel Kiat, a Statistics and Cognition tutor at the HELPUniversity College. Responding to this "statistically significant" findings was Psychologist, Charis Wong, who points out that "many young Malaysian couples have unrealistic expectations of marriage, and fail to understand that it takes more than romantic attachment to make a marriage work; it takes share values, commitment, and old fashioned hard work".

So...it is really young couples that have contributed to the alarming divorce rate in the country? I don't think so because I have seen many far matured couple with grown up kids failed to keep their marriage. Dah tua-tua baru perasan ke takda keserasian? Dah ada 5 anak baru rasa yang wife dia terlalu mengongkong, bla...bla....bla.... what da ????

Whatever the reason may be....the basic foundation in looking for your life partner is and reason to get married is very crucial. Be married for the right reason. Not for freedom....not for sex.....not to ease your financial burden, so on and so forth. Just in case you haven't come across this guideline, PLEASE...PLEASE....PLEASE....ensure that you have go through all this points to ensure that you will have a blessed and blissful marriage till the end of time.
  • Hartanya
  • Keturunannya
  • Kecantikannya
  • Agamanya
So....don't say "money can't buy me love" because it is important, especially these days when nothing comes free. Keturunan tu penting... sebab thats a "picture" of your life partner. The way he was raised up, his way of living, etc semua tu penting. Kat sini la yang selalu lepas kawin, banyak case menantu tak boleh get along dengan mertua. This is common, especially between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Why? Because these mothers are being in denial and can't accept the fact that their son is in love with another woman that he pledged to spend his whole life with. It is very important to know how is your future mom-in-law's acceptance towards you. It does...girls! It is very important!!!! So don't take it lightly.

Kecantikan...of course! Takdela nak yang gorgeous macam Brad Pitt kan. Ladies...please! Be cautious. Tolong ukur baju kat badan sendiri. Yang sedap mata memandang sudah la. Don't be too proud if you end up with a drop-that-gorgeous looking man when you are looking so-so ( yang sedang-sedang aja.hahahhaa) because you might end up as a private investigator rather than a wife for being insecured. Bila husband tido or masuk toilet, you pun start check baju la, wallet la, phone la. Nak sangat yang handsome kan! Ha...ambik ubat! Finally.....agamanya. This is in fact the most important point. Especially for ladies, because your husband will be the one who is responsible to lead you to the right path. And for guys, if you kawin dengan perempuan yang memang kuat pegangan agamanya, takda la susah sangat you nak kene ajar kan. Tambah pulak yang keras kepala tu. Sampai bergadoh-gadoh nak suruh sembahyang. Nauzubillah...

So....single ladies out there....please look into these 4 key points before deciding to settle down with your current loved ones. Why I strike those words? Because they might not be your loved ones anymore once you go through all the important points.  Love alone can't guarantee happiness. Sebab tu la Nabi Muhammad takda cakap pasal cinta pun dalam guideline dia. So....renung-renungkan!!!


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