18 October 2010

Aktiviti Ahad

After a very longgggg Saturday, all I wish to do is to have a very peaceful and relaxing Sunday with my family.Baju pun dah berlambak tunggu turn nak masuk washing machine. So, plan I nak basuh baju2 yang banyak tu la.Ingatkan plan I on, rupanya tak jugak.
Pagi2 mak mertua I dah call husband I...entah pasal apa . Yang I tau, I dengar hujung2 je, macam lalat hurung makanan. "ngengengengengengenge"... non-stop. Lantaklah, malas nak masuk campur. As long as tak kacau I....sudah. Berangan la I nak rehat.Rupanya...lepas dia abis cakap phone tu,dia ajak I pegi umah atuk dia kat Laman Seri,Shah Alam for breakfast and sempena atuk sedara hubby from Singapore yang dah nak balik on that day. Entah napa, I malas giler nak pegi. Maybe sebab I dah ada plan sendiri. Tapi...end up I pegi jugak.Nak payung emas la katakan. Hahahahahahahaha

Sampai kat umah atuk , I terus aim breakfast yang sangattt menyelerakan. Ada beehun goreng and home made vege popia. Tengah I makan dengan berseleranya, satu incident berlaku kat meja makan tu, which I don't think I'm ready to share here. Tersentap gaks la I yang tengah makan dengan seronok sekali ni. In short, that incident has hurt me very badly, because I still can't stop thinking about it till now. I felt unwanted. Maybe AKU BUKAN YANG TERPILIH. I dont know how is thing going to be after this, but one thing Im sure, thing is never going to be the same again. There's a big hole in my heart to fill. Those WORDS really killed me. I sedar sekarang yang no matter how much I've done, it is never going to be good enough for that someone. I wish I was never involved in all these mess..
So, after all the crying....I received a call from my brother inviting me to Bagan Lalang fo a seafood galore. With my family, of course. Alhamdulillah...ALLAH heard my grieve.Seriously....the invitation was right on time, as I need to go somewhere peaceful to ease my mind. A blessing in disguise, isn't it? I enjoyed every bit of my seafood dinner by the sea with my family.

Summary of what has happened on Sunday:
1)Baju2 kotor semua I anta pegi laundry. hahahahaha. Malas giler.
2)I was hurt by something said by someone. Its okay. I'd rather know what people think about me now...before its too late.
3)I have learned that it is not easy to please everyone in the world. What the heck? Life is too short to bother about everything. But, the cut is too deep to be ignored, that I'm sure.
4)I jumpa Hotel Golden Palm Tree kat Bagan Lalang yang sangatttttt CHANTEEKKKKK untuk my 5th wedding anniversary this December. I dah google and found out that the promotional rate is RM580 per nite. Pergghhhhhhhhhhh.


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