13 October 2010

My determination

Hello Mr.Wednesday! Seperti kebiasaannya, hari rabu ni energy level memang bagus since dah tengah minggu. "Mood pun macam bunga" (quoting my mom's line). hahahhahaha. Semalam kan I cerita pasal my effort yang terbaru for extra income. Yela....kan nak masuk rumah baru ni. Banyak belanja. Nak bayar monthly installment lagi, nak renovate rumah lagi....macam2. All these have boost up my determinantion untuk kerja kuat. Kuat la sangat....:)

So, I dah strategize my business plan..chewahhh. Macam nak business juta2 la pulok!Apa2 pun dalam hidup ni... kena plan, be it small or big. I pernah dengar pepatah omputih ni " if you fail to plan, you plan to fail". So, I susun strategy baeeekkkk punyer macam mana nak memaximumkan income I through jualan prepaid card tu nanti. I harap2 jadi la hendaknya.And hari ni dengan rasminya I dah transfer top up kepada customer pertama. Complicated gaks. Maybe sebab tak familiar lagi kot. Lama2 nanti ok la tu.

I really hope ALLAH bless me for my effort to increase my income for my family. I just want all of us to live comfortably. I hope its not too much of a wish and prayer. AmEEnnnn


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