31 October 2010

Di mana kan ku cari ganti

Ni antara lagu allahyarham Tan Sri P.Ramlee yang paling I suka. Beautiful song, indeed. P.Ramlee, seniman tersohor yang pernah ada dalam sejarah Malaysia. I think...he's going to be top of the list forever. Nobody could top him up. The one and only.

So, while updating my blog tadi, I watched the tribute concert to our legendary P.Ramlee. For the 2nd time actually. Bukannye best sangat pun concert tu, tapi sebab I nak tengok my favourite singer, Sharifah Aini. Opppsss.....salah pulak. Takda maknanyeerrr Kak Pah. Misha Omar la. Since dah lama sangat tak tengok Misha in action, I sanggup layan konsert yang indah khabar dari rupa tu for the 2nd time. Keranamu....Samiha Omar!

Kenapa I kata indah khabar dari rupa concert tu? Because I've seen various reviews on twitter from most of the artists that attended the concert. Semua kata best gilerr.....And some sampai sanggup turn down the invitation to FFM yg coincide dengan concert tu. Entah la....lain orang, lain citarasa kan. Maybe because I was not there kot. Konsert2 macam ni selalunya kena dengar live. Im not sure whether it was the sound system or what....but something was not right somewhere, that I'm sure!

Lemau jugakla. Bila tengok muka Hattan kat tv, I rasa macam dia pun boring layan concert tu. kehkehkehkeh. I rasa yang thrill pun masa Misha,Amy Search,Ella,Hujan and Jacq nyanyi. Yang lain tu....so-so la. Tapi I salute la Astro's effort to refresh everyone's memory about P.Ramlee. Even though he has never faded in everyone's mind. Just go and ask anyone, even a 12 years old kids. Im sure they know at least 1 P.Ramlee's film. Even at my office, pantang dapat peluang...ader jer yang guna line from his movie. Contohnya :

A : Eh, sapa tu?

B : "eH ....siapa tu di sana ahhh?" (A scene from Seniman Bujang Lapok).

Biar I sambung.....

"Walaupun rupamu tidak ku kenal, tetapi lobang hidongmu tetapp menjadi pooojaan haaatiikuu"

kahkahkahkahkahkahkah. Lawak giler la cerita tu. I can watch again and again. That's the beauty of P.Ramlee's films. They are timeless. To allahyarham P.Ramlee, may my prayers be with you. Semoga ditempatkan bersama dengan mereka yang beriman.

And I really think that there are some singers now that will be remembered for their uniqueness when they are gone. To name a few :

1) Jamal Abdillah

2) Saleem

3) M.Nasir

4) Siti Nurhaliza (even ada banyak copycat. Sampai nyahs pun pandai taww)

5) Mawi..... Oh pleaseee!!!! This is a joke okay! He's not in this list. He's in the instant naik and turun list okay!

6) Sudirman
And last but not least.....LELAKI INI ..

7) Anuar Zain. Awwwww. Ish, tak boley sebut la nama dia ni. Terus adrenalin ni mengalir kencang. hahahhahahahhaha. Gediks ko nyah! I lebiuuuu Anuar!


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