12 October 2010

In Memories of Sheema Wahid

Macam biasa, pagi2 on the way pergi kerja, I akan bukak facebook untuk updatekan diri dengan cerita2 terbaru kawan2. And I came across birthday wishes dedicated to my dear friend that has passed away on 31st May 2010. And I terus wish arwah jugak. Whenever I think about arwah Sheema that turns 31 today, I can never stop from feeling sad for her and her beloved family. Sedih sangat, because firstly, arwah and her hubby was my good friend back in university. Secondly, anak dia sama umur dengan Iman Nadyne. So, as a mommy, I can put myself exactly in the situation. Imagine la, dengan Iman Nadyne yang tak boley stop calling mommy and selalu cium2 I sambil cakap "tayang(sayang) mommy", I could never imagine leaving her.At least, not at this moment.

Bagi siapa2 yang tak kenal arwah, let me explained briefly what has happened to her. Arwah was one of the many PTDs(pegawai tadbir diplomatik) that has to undergo the 6/7months training regime. Arwah was in her 3month @ Jugra Camp when she had high fever and bad cold. The worst part was, her request to return to her family when she was sick was turned down by the camp officers, on the basis that if she withdraw herself from the camp, she will have to repeat the whole course from the scratch. Out of desperation,arwah stayed back and went through the great ordeal. Nauzubillah.

She was warded 1 day @ Hospital Banting and keluar balik after she was found to be "fit". Though she complaint that she was sick and shivering, dia still dipaksa masuk dalam lumpur. Prior to that, from I heard, dia kena minum air stokin. WTF? Subsequent to that, she lost her consciousness and brought to the Hospital Besar Tuanku Ampuan Rahmah, Klang. She was in comma for about 3-4 days, if Im not mistaken, and menghembuskan nafas terakhir on the 31st May 2010. The worst part was, arwah's husband was called by people from the hospital, instead of the camp officers untuk inform pasal arwah only on the 2nd day after dah masuk hospital. I can't imagine how Zul(the husband) felt when he received the call form the hospital since he has not been talking to arwah for almost 1 week, and the final "gathering" with the wife was in the hospital, staring at the wife yang dah comma and can't even open her eyes anymore. Allah.......
I can go on and on pasal arwah Sheema but I shall stop here. I berdoa semoga roh arwah tenang di sana and digolongkan dalam golongan ahli syurga. Inshallah. To those yang mengenali arwah atau tak, sama2 kita sedekahkan al-fatihah kat arwah, sempena birthday dia yang ke-31 ni. Al-fatihah. To Zul and Hylda Daenia, semoga ditabahkan hati sentiasa.


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