07 October 2010

My first post

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to everyone. Alhamdulillah....finally, dengan kekuatan yang ALLAH kurniakan kat I,berjaya jugak I complete kan blog I yang ke-2, sebenarnya. Hopefully this one will work.
Writing is my passion. I was just too lazy and kept procrastinating, thinking of what I love to do and what I do best. I should have followed my heart. Since I was small, I have started to write. Short stories / CERPEN(masa dulu panggil macam tu la yang I ingat). The thing is, It was not published. Kalau tak, I punya novel / cerpen pun dah boleh buat movie macam "Budak Setan" tu and kaya macam Ahadiat Akashah. hahahahha. Takpe...maybe jalan hidup I dah macam ni. I bersyukur seadanya. God has a betternplan for me, Inshaallah. So, I ikhlas menulis kerana ALLAH and hopefully my writing will inspires and touches many hearts. Salam....


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