24 October 2010

Saturday with family

Apa nak buat Hari Sabtu ni eh? As usual, selagi tak masuk rumah baru, our "survey,comparing and deciding" project will still go on. Tapi arini tak bley pegi banyak tempat la, cos hubby ada hal dengan LIVERPOOL clubnye. Ermmm,,,,sibuk je. I always tease him about being the REDS. But hubby, being him, just keep it cool and said, "Even if Liverpool is the lowest in the table, I'll still be supporting them". Ohhh....touching plak dia. Ni ala2 "till death do us part" la ni. Chehhh.

Meh I tolong promo kan sikit club u ni. So those REDS yang interested nak join him, u can call him @012-9341349. Kalau nak register je...........jangan call sebab nak berkenalan plak. Ahaks. Jealous ke nyah? Koserrr.

I jalan2 area Kota Damansara and Sg.Buloh nak cari kitchen cabinet. Mana la tau boley dapat yang harga terus dari kilang tu kan. So, I ended up at Wira Kitchen. Discuss dgn consultant tu pasal design yg kitaorang nak, and dia pun bai la quotation. Iman was very restless throughout the nego. Yela....kitchen cabinet is obviously non of her business kan. hihihiihih. Sorry Iman, You have to bear with this till the day we settle down in our new place.

Habis discuss pun dah around 12pm, so we hit straight to PIZZA HUT for lunch. Lama dah tak makan pizza hut. Yelah, Dominos lagi murah and sedap kan. Tapi, semalam, craving pizza hut sampai. Lagipun, hubby kata Pizza dah murah sekarang. Hmm....bagus la kan. When there is a competition, baru la tau nak rasa threatened. Macam kerajaan kita sekarang la. Nak kene gasak selalu by the opposition and the people. Baru la ada kesedaran. Tapi, takdala kesedaran sangat. Poket tetap perlu dipenuhkan. Ishhh....lets not start la. Nanti tak bley stop la.

Tengok la how happy Iman was. Not sure why,but most probably because mommy and daddy is available 24hours on weekends:)

Iman takkan miss nyer playground yang kat luar tu. She loves it. Yela...jarang pergi kan. Nak pujuk dia balik memang masalah la. Script standard memujuk mommy :

Mommy : Mommy will bring you to playground again on Sunday ye.....
Iman : Okay

Baru ler balik....:)


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