22 October 2010

My 30th birthday

"Happy eday to mommy....happy eday to mommy....happy eday to mommy.....happy eday to mommy". It was such a proud moment to have been given the opportunity to hear my only baby girl's rendition of birthday song. Cute sangat...Ishh, mommy Iman ni masuk bakul angkat sendiri pulok. BUt seriously, it was:)
Semalam birthday I, for those yang tak tau. It was my 30th. Dah 3-series dah I. hukhukhuk.I love my 20s so much. But Im sure there is a better future from today onwards. A better,mature and wiser me...Inshaallah.

Ironically, I have received many 30th birthday wishes from friends and families. I really felt special and loved by many. Alhamdulillah. Terharu sangat2. Even my dad wished my 3 times and kissed me. Hurmmm......Lain macam pulak rasa. My dad jarang buat macam tu. Dia jenis yang tak berapa kisah sangat pasal birthday2 ni. Dia kata masa dia dulu takda pun birthday2 ni. Yela......dulu tu zaman bila bah??? Kesian abah.Due to that,me and my sibblings organize a special outing or dinner for his birthday every year. Biar dia merasa celebrate birthday selagi dia ada umur kan:)
So,pagi semalam kat office, I didn'r really celebrate it. Tapi lunch time, adik angkat I yang sebelah I dalam gambar kat atas ni, treated me lunch. Thanks Iman! Sama macam nama anak I kan?hahahahhaa. Tapi, I bukan letak nama "Iman Nadyne" sebab budak ni. Coincidently,I memang suka nama IMAN (FAITH). I think its a good name. Sebab kan orang cakap.. nama kita tu doa. Tiap2 hari sebut Iman, inshaallah....my girl will grow up berIMAN.

Tapi 1 thing yang sama pasal "Iman" kat atas ni dengan "Iman Nadyne" is dua-dua orang ni pelawak habis. Kadang2 boring gaks. Kat office Iman. Kat umah Iman. Tapi depa 2 orang ni la yang banyak buat I ketawa pecah perut. Tengok je la muka dia kat atas ni.............memang muka pak lawak betui.

So, sempena adik I belanja ni, I belasah oriental chicken chop for my birthday lunch. Fabulous!!

Sebelah malam pulak, I went for dinner with hubby and little Iman @ Wadi Hadramawt,Jalan Ampang. Its a Yemen restaurant,catering delicious arab food. Sedap sangat....sampai Iman Nadyne makan banyak gilerrr "Chicken Mendi". Iman memang sama selera macam daddy dia. They love middle east food. Mommy dia tak berapa suka......tapi layannnnn sebab sedap sangat. Mommy, as usual, takkan lepaskan peluang makan "kambing". So, mommy pun belasah "lamb kebab".

YUMMAYYYYY!! The place is very cosy and sebab tak berapa ramai orang lagi masa kitaorang makan tu, Iman buat restoran tu macam rumah dia sendiri la...siap tonggeng2 lagi.

Tengok la hubby I. Sampai no meja pun nak pilih 30 jugak. Ishh....tak payah ingatkan I sangat la pasal nombor tu. I ingatttt selalu.........Anyway, thanks yang for the treat. I loved the food to bit!!

I can't thank everyone enough for the wishes and prayers on my 30th birthday. I really appreciate it.


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