17 November 2010

Berapa ringgit sekilo???

Apa cerita ni? Harga daging/ikan/ayam naik lagi ke??? Bukannnn! Its about shedding some weight......oppss...not some....but loads of serious extra baggage.

Cuba korang tengok betul2 minah kat bawah ni. Agaks2...kenal tak? Horror kan. Hishh...sedap betul mulut mengata orang. Diri sendiri dah cermin ker? Dia ni la anak rocker yang hippy terkenal tu. She is Kelly Osbourne. Umur dia muda lagi, tapi maybe the bad eating habit ruined her. Sama macam I la. Appettite tersangatttt la bagus. Pagi2 masa breakfast pun boley rembat nasi putih dengan lauk. Ni yang orang kata eat your breakfast like a king! Tambah plak dengan my mom's cooking yang terhebat di serata nusantara! Oppss...sorry okay u olss! Mak tak masuk bakul angkat sendiri. Cuba tanya kat semua orang yang pernah makan my mom's cooking. Tak pernah la yang kata tak sedap. My mom is a super classy chef. A raw talent, I would say.

So, back to Kelly. Napa tiba2 I nak cakap pasal dia plak eh? She is my muse. Lately ni, Im frustrated with the way I look. I don't even dare to see myself in the mirror. I look horrendous. Nak dress up pun takda mood....cos I won't look good in any outfit. Its really depressing. Its hard to look for any outfit except at pluz size shops, like Ms.Read or any UK based shops that brings in size up to 18, like DP (p/s: please don't think that I'm wearing size 18 ok. I'm a size 14, which is not acceptable either) . Even Zara/TopShop/MNG can't cater my size. Subsequently, I ended up wearing outdated roomy clothes to accomodate that extra baggage. There goes my fashionista status quo. hehehehehehhe.

And look at her now. Its funny,how a same person, with the same old face could look totally different after loosing weight. That's hell lot of weight loss girl!Last night on E News, Kelly commented on her new bikini body featured on Maxim cover. She said everything is real, without any surgery or quick fix. I have doubt on that. But to be optimistic, I'm gonna buy what she claimed and work on my diet. Like seriously! I know some people might laugh and say...yeah whatever!!! Especially those who knows how I eat. But...I'm gonna prove you wrong this time. I need to fix the situation. Its alarminggggggg!
How come suddenly she turns into a fashionista? Thats a mind boggling question rite. I believe everyone has different personal style or at least dream / inspired to have one. But there certain restriction in life that is stopping one from doing so. Like in mine and Kelly's case, its the size. So, SIZE DOES MATTER! Kelly has proven that you can be from trashy to flashy if you are willing to shed that unwanted fat. So, ladies......let's BE REAL, FACE IT AND WORK IT!!


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