05 November 2010

Happy Deepavali!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish All Hindu devotees in Malaysia a very Happy Deepavali. May you have a great celebration of light with your loved ones.Have a blast! Wahh....terlebih sudah! Dah macam bunyi wakil rakyat berucap kat open house Deepavali.hahahahhaha.
Anyway, how can I not mention about this most beautiful woman in the world when I think about Indians, sarees and Hindu. Abah punyer kesukaan la. Siapa lagi. My mum sampai tak bley nak kata apa dah. Tiap2 hari abah pegi YouTube nak search pasal Aishwarya. And everyone... he knows all the history,background and most updated story about this lady. Dari masa belum jadi Miss World sampai la dah kawin ni. Hmm...once a policeman,always will be one.
Ahhhh....very breath taking kan. Sangat chantekkkk.
So,sempena hari raya perempuan idaman abah sorang ni, abah ajak I join dia gi makan angin. So, AKU YANG TAK TERPILIH ni have invited my M.I.L to join us all since we are leaving till Sunday. Nanti dia boring plak dok umah sorang.
Ideally, we are going somewhere by the beach, inshaallah. Iman Nadyne sure suka la. Okay peeps.. Gotta get my stuffs packed and ready now.


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