25 December 2010

The Dreamers....

Dah lama giler tak main bowling. Cita2 dulu nak ganti Shalin Zulkifli, tapi tak kesampaian. hahahha. I still remember how me and my family will bowl every weekend. We just love it. But time flies, people grow apart and it has been ages since I left the game. Tapi baru-baru ni, my whole team went out for a bowling session at the Cosmic Bowl, Mid Valley. So....the people in the pictures below are my colleagues. And why we the dreamers? Because we believe in "The Power of Dreams". So,company mana I keje??? Go figure.....

These are my fun friends. Tho some of them are not fun at all. So...you FUN people, you know who you are! Berposing sebelum game start hukumnya ialah wajib. hahahhaha.

Tengok la keadaan dalam Cosmic Bowl ni. Masa kitaorang baru nak start main tu elok lagi. Bila tengah2 syiok main, jadi macam ni pulak dah. Glow in the dark. Tak sesuaiiiii betul la. Especiallyrang2 yang rabun macam I. Tapi best gaks la bila tengok muka sorang2 glowing in the dark tu. Dah macam kunta kinte. muahahahahhaha.(Giler jahat cara gelak)
After bowling at about 9.30pm, we went straight to Nandos. Soruu time la. Pneat kan main bowling. Semua pun dah complain lapar cos lambat sangat makan. Tapi Ismet pandai. Ismet and clan dah makan McD sebelum bowling, secara rahsia. hahahhahahah. Sebab tu la Ismet maintain relax je even dinner @ 9.30pm. Padan muka kau Labu!

Tengok budak kecik kat belakang tu. Macam kenal tak?? Dia la model majalah Mangga yang terlaris tu. Hahahahahha.

Our big group. Model Mangga still dengan signature pose dia. hahahahha. Love you people!


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