25 December 2010

Dasar Anak Pemalas!

I used to love ironing soo much. Among all the house chores, its at the top of my list, tho there's not much of a house chore that I love. hahhahahaha. Memang dasar anak yang pemalassss ya kamu!

Actually, I've been eyeing this garment steamer for so longg. But its just too pricey for an iron replacement. After considering the pros and cons, I finally bought it. But the best part was, the puchase was timely. COURTS buat promotion untuk member@ terhormat dia and I got it for ............ RM 299, instead of the normal price which is RM349. Woot woot!

Ever since I had this new "toy", ironing is much easier. Tapi still la, some stuffs like tudung and some material, especially yg bukan wrinkle free,I tak boley nak iron pakai setamer ni. Cos method nak gosok pakai steamer ni is....the garment has got to be hanged on the special hanger that comes with the steamer. So, bila baju tu dah bergoyang2, kene pun sikit2 je la. For baju yang berkedut2 yang normally kena tekan dengan iron will end up tak licin sangat. And the toughest part is ironing the bottom part of the cloth. Kan bergoyang2. Nak pegang plak tak boley, cos the steam is so freaking hot. I guess thats the price that I have to pay la kan. Lo enggak bisa malas-malasan sama steamer ini.

Kesudahannya? Pakai jugak the conventional iron. Tak malu.....

Moral of the story : Barang yang modern / cantik / baru ni kadang2 bukan nyer boley buat semua. Stylo je lebih.
Perumpamaannya: lebih kurang macam orang yang kawin baru jugak la. Bini muda tu memang la gorgeous, stylo, modern, bergaya....tapi bila dah sakit nak *tuttttt* cari jugak bini tua.
Hahahahhahahaha. Me being a typical married woman kan. Any topic given will come to the same conclusion : Man


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