31 January 2011

Jodoh di tangan Tuhan

Kecoh betul lately ni dengan cerita Fasha Sanda, Nora Danish and jejaka terhangat Malaya, Jejai. Uwekkkkk. Puhleasseeee. Its very sad to see these 2 undeniably gorgeous women fighting over a guy thats just soo not worth fighting! It must have been a sweet success for the heartbreaker,Jejai.

I must be frank here. Im Fasha Sanda's fan. I follow her on Twitter, tapi takderla peminat tegar kan. On the other hand,I dont really pay attention to Nora Danish's existence, until she got divorced by the MAN. I thought she was just a can-do cute actress. Well, not that she has proved that she can act ... but she got my attention for being a super hot mommy now. I don't see her as a cute little girl anymore, but rather a strong and tough single mother. It must have been tough for anyone....getting a divorce when you are carrying the man's child. I can't imagine how I would cope with that kind of torture. its crazyyyyy! But this petite lady did well and moved on with her life. Salute u, Nora Danish!

But I am not happy either....when Fasha broke up with that guy. Kesian kat dia. Apa la masalah lelaki tu kan? Fickle minded betul la. Isn't he sure of what he wants still? Nak yang gorgeous jer....lepas tu tak reti nak jaga elok2. As a woman, I will 100% say that the blame goes to Jejai. Above all, kita semua kena ingat....things happened for reasons.It should be a good lesson for Fasha. Biar dia tau yang....if that guy could do it to his previous woman, which was his wife and the mother to their son, what makes you think that he can't do the same to you? At least Fasha doesn't have to carry that "single mother" title, betul tak?

Okay...okay......enuff of Fasha-Nora-Jejai (ishh....nak sebut nama pun rasa nak muntah la), because this particular break up story is not what I wanna share actually. But since ini break up terhangat abad ini, so......I just quote je la kat sini. Nanti kurang pulak dosa kan. hihihiihihih.

I have learned something from a break up story of a person whom is very close to me. How?Since dia bercinta dgn a girl, dia dah tak macam yang kitaorang kenal. Semua lain. Infact, dia ketepikan semua orang, including his parents just because of that girl that he barely knew. Whatever actions he took was all emotional and not rationale. Cinta mati la katakan. However, after 3 years of mad love, they broke up and he's finally back to his family. ALLAH has answered everyone's prayers and returned him to the family. And thats the end to the longgg episode.

So, based on this story and even my personal experience, here are some tips to lovers out there:

1)Never go againts your family, especially your parents even you r soo in love ( yg dalam cerita hindustan tu semua tak betul. Nama pun filem kan). Why? Because in this cruel world, only your parents genuinely want the best for you. No hidden agenda. Though, your choice might not be their's, accept it.

2)Seek for true love. How do you know it is?Cinta ni ada 2 jenis jenis.
First : Cinta dari syaitan. Yang jenis ni la yang semua nyer masa bercinta indah. Cinta jenis ni dikuasai nafsu. Nama pun dari syaitan kan. Masa bercinta, dunia ni kita berdua je. Jangan pedulikan apa orang lain nak kata, though dia tau benda yang dia buat tak betul.Buat benda2 yang mengarut. Lari rumah, melawan mak bapak, buat dosa berapa banyak toksah cerita la.
Second : Cinta dari Illahi. Cinta yang ni la yang diredhai ALLAH and direstui oleh semua orang. You know its from the "above" when everything seems to be in place. You can feel that it is so genuine and pure from the bottom of your heart. And you know right from the start that you only want to make this person "legal" to you through marriage.

3)Think rationally, not emotionally. Bila bercinta, syaitan banyak. Yela....bila berdua kan. Memangla syaitan dok kat tengah2. So, bila bercinta, jangan ikut nafsu. Ikut Iman. Apa2 nak buat pun, ingat la yang kita ni ada agama. Ada Tuhan. Remember, nothing should be bigger than our love to the Almighty.

Above all that, please do remember that we can't go againts HIS plan. Jodoh, Ajal, Maut di tangan tuhan. Siapa kita nak kata pilihan kita yang terbaik? ALLAH je yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita. So, whenever you got dumped or divorced by someone that you really love, have faith that ALLAH has a better plan for us. InsyaALLAH...


Inez said...

Thank you very much kak ija

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