08 February 2011

In memories of bibik Rani

Current mood : Veryy sad

Reason : Rani left us for good.

Who is Rani : Our special maid of 6 years.

Why is Rani special???

So.....this post is specially dedicated to our beloved maid a.k.a pembantu rumah, Rani. I REPEAT......pembantu rumah yer, bukan ORANG GAJI like how some people call them.

Frankly, I dont understand how some people treat their maid like a slave. They discriminate maids like these Indonesians come from other planet. I have even seen, some of them uses tissue to touch anything that has been touched by the maid. Crazy aint it?

For me, as far as I can remember, since I was small...my mother has never introduced any of our maids to her friends as Orang Gaji. My mom marah if any of us call our maid, orang gaji. My mom said, they are our pembantu rumah because they assist us with the house chores. Bukan orang suruhan kita. Though kita ada deorang, we still have to do and help them whenever we can. And most importantly, treat them as human because they are no different from us. Yang bezanya, cuma deorang ni a bit unlucky. Deorang kene merantau jauh....tinggalkan parents, and some of them even leave their husbands and childrens back home to be able to earn and provide for their family. So....try to put ourselves in their shoes and walk a mile.

Rani has been with us for 6 years. Dia jaga semua anak2 I and my sister's. 3 kids, since they were born sampai la my niece umur 6, my daughter umur 3 and my nephew umur 2. And I would say I am quite attached to this Rani for some reason. I am super comfortable with her. She even showered me during my confinement days. That open??? Hell to the yes! Apsal I comfortable sangat dengan Rani eh? Because she was part of the family. She sleeps with my little sister. She eats with us during our family dinner. She watches tv with us.She has the same tudung that we have. In short, she is no different from us.

Rani is special from the other 2 bibiks that we had before. Though they are times when we argue, especially she and my mom, but thats family. Macam mana kita gadoh pun, kita still family. When Rani told us that she's leaving for good, we were quite shocked and dissapointed though we knew it was coming. Yela....dah 6 tahun. Sure la dia nak balik, have a family, tolong parents dia kan.

Bibik left us on 6th February 2011. All of us sent her to LCCT on that day. It was a really sad moment at the airport. Bila bibik peluk semua orang and mintak kita halalkan makan and minum dia.Yang buat I sedih tu....cos kita tak tau bila lagi kita boley jumpa bibik. Maybe never again :( Bila balik dari LCCT tu lagi sedih. Bila balik rumah and takda bibik sambut kat pintu. Sedih gilerrrr!!!

Bibik.....u are dearly missed by all of us, especially my daughter, Iman. She always says "bibik balik jauh. Nanti bibik datang jumpa Iman kan". I went speechless. I am not sure how to respond. Anyway, thank you bibik for everything. If kita tak jumpa kat dunia ni lagi, di akhirat kelak ye, Insyaallah.


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