18 February 2011


 Ni apa punya symptom ni? Ataupun penyakit baru? No it is not! Afganism is defined as people who is crazy in love and addicted to Afgan. Die hard supporters / Fan kental! And I'm one of them. Cinta gue pada lo "Bukan Cinta Biasa", ya Afgan. Waduhhhhh!!!! Keren bangetttt. hahahhahaha

Pardon me, but I have so much love for this gentleman. Its kinda love at first sight. My brother was the responsible on to introduce me to my current addiction, Afgan sweetheart. Saw this guy on You Tube long time back. Well, he was a YouTube star, you know.... just like Justin Bieber. He started singing in pubs,restaurants & cafe, doing his acoustic version of many songs....and BAMMM! He's an Indonesia megastar now!

This YouTube thingy is just epic kan. Turning raw talents into megalicious superstar. But not like that...sapa tu?? Cikgu Shida. Oww...puhleasseeee. Thats not the way la Kak. I think you are just humiliating yourself. Show your talent, not your idiocy! Kalau rasa nak jadi pelawak,masuklah Raja Lawak. Wahh, rhymes la i punya pantun 2 kerat:))

Malaysia's music industry...please don't get me wrong. I have never lost sight of my first love, Nuar. He is still is....and will still be! Wahhh....gitewww. Yo yo oooo je kan. Kihkihkihkihkihkihkih. Nuar mana? Anuar Zain la....Nuar...I lebiu!!! I will have to say this everytime I mention his name! Tak boley la.....mesti jadi gediks lebih bila sebut nama "Lelaki Ini".

So...to those that still hasn't got any idea of who Afgan is....here is a brief introduction of him.

Full name : Afgansyah Reza

Date of birth : 27 May 1989

Place of Birth : Jakarta, Indonesia

Album : Confession No 1 (2008), The one (2010)

And in case you are wondering how he looks like.....take a peep ...









Ahhhh....that dimple is just breathtaking, don't you think?
He might not be a hunky, but wait till you hear that deep,sweet,fantastic soulful voice of his. You will definitely think he is gorgeous! Its one of a kind. I mean....I never thought that there is any Asian that would have such a distinctly deep voice. Nigga banyak la suara macam tu and they sing english song. So, when Afgan entered the industry, singing songs that we could actually understand(not that we don't understand English, but penghayatan untuk lagu-lahu Melayu / Indonesia ni lebih mancongkam la kato oghang. hahahhaha), it was such a blessing. Finally.....you know! TERIMA KASIH CINTA untuk bakatmu itu. Waduhhhhh....enak bangettt!
I love every songs that he sings. Right now, I just can't get enough of "Bukan Cinta Biasa", just like how I used to put all his other songs on replay mode. I was crazy in love with "Terima Kasih Cinta", "Padamu Ku Bersujud", "Yang Kutau Cinta Itu Indah"...to name a few. The beautiful part of Afgan's singing is he sounds as fantastic as his record in "live" shows. And he is sooo good in making any song in this world his own. Its Afgan style all the way. I love it! Do check out his rendition of "My All", "When You Believe", "If I ain't got you" on YouTube.
Check out my next post on Afgan's "live" soulful performance of Bukan Cinta Biasa. To Afgan, you are such a gem and blessing from ALLAH. May you have a longg successful career and kapan sih mau ke Malaysia? Gue pingin buangettt ketemu sama lo. I'll be waiting....


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