10 March 2011

In the words of a sleeping beauty

Today has been kind to me. Was not as stressful as yesterday. And yes... tomorrow is Friday! It's D-day for every cubicle slave or comercially known as working people. hahahha. Yes!!! I am Friday people!

And as usual...e-mail, sms or bbm flying around...among the ladies, busy planning for our Friday lunch. And it all started with a follow up on our earlier plan to have a farewell lunch for our ex-associate.We missed her and didn't get the chance to say proper goodbye to her just yet. Sadly...she won't be able to make it tomorrow.

And so....we started to visualize our soon to be perfect Friday lunch. Some suggested to cook from home and eat by the lakeside which I have turned down immediately due to Malaysia's fantastic weather (especially on Friday afternoon), some suggest not to go so far cos the Friday traffic is usually massive and this girl who is also known as a sleeping beauty in our workplace, suggested we just eat across the office because she wants to be back in the office early. Everyone started to tease her reply or rather suggestion because we know the fact that she needs the Friday nap badly. Hahahahhaa. Budak ni kecik jer....and she sleeps like everywhere and anytime. Just bring it on! Atas kerusi office ke....kat meja ke, dalam kereta ke...mana2 la. Give her 3 minutes and she will sleep. Lawak giler. She reminds me of my younger days when my dad also called me a sleeping beauty. But I can't afford the title anymore now cos I've got a little snow white to look after. hahahaha

So...back to the sleeping beauty, she ended up sending this long e-mail on the benefits of sleep, which has shut everyone down. I seriously feel responsible to share this here since many of us regards their sleep as not so important. I seriously tak paham kenapa budak2 sekarang ,like my younger brothers and sisters stay up late and waste time talking on the phone, skyping, facebooking, teh tariking, watching movies or even do nothing at late night. Nak dekat2 subuh macam tu baru la nak tido. The next day...dalam pukul 12pm baru nak bangun tido. How disorganized their life is, kan. Bukan ke siang orang semua pegi keje, cari rezeki untuk bawak balik petang nanti. Tapi budak2 sekarang ni, their day starts after 12pm.They are just going againts the human nature.

Well.............u kids out there...or even those who are not kids anymore, but still behaving irresponsibly, please read this!

It is difficult to operate normally when you have been deprived of sleep. Any one who has been deprived of sleep feels tired and sleepy the following day. Apart from the relaxation that one gets after sleeping, there are other benefits of sleep:

Stress management
If you do not sleep well for a long time the body is stressed out. This may cause insomnia. If the insomnia is to be acted upon then the level of stress has to be reduced. The best way to reduce stress is by talking to a physician who will give you the directions of how you will sort this problem.
Heart Health
Studies on insomnia show that it can cause an increase in blood pressure. This is in turn increases the risk of getting a heart disease. Insomnia is also known to cause a sharp increase in weight. It is another factor that increases the possibility of getting a heart disease.The solution lies in getting a good night's sleep. If you sleep well for seven to nine hours everyday, you will lose some of the excess weight.
Among the immediate and most noticeable benefits of sleep is the level of productivity that you will get the following day. Failure to get enough sleep even if it is for a single night will bring down your productivity the following day.Failure to sleep well for a number for nights makes it harder for you to get back to the normal alertness. It will be difficult to compensate for the hours that you did not sleep in just one night. The answer lies in sleeping well every night.
General Health
Failure to sleep well contributes towards the occurrence of some medical conditions. Getting good quality of sleep makes it possible to attain good physical health. It also boosts your emotions.
Sleeping well makes the skin look healthier and youthful. The complexion is also improved as the skin grows and renews more when a person is sleeping. Failure to sleep well makes the skin dry and this makes it age quickly.

Sleeping well allows the body to have an opportunity to produce hormones in the regular way. If you do not sleep well the hormonal production will be affected and cause a craving for carbohydrates. Sleeping well will eliminate the strain that the body undergoes.When you sleep in a dark room, you will get most benefits of sleep. Light can have adverse effects on the pineal gland which produces melatonin. Melatonin regulates the way circadian rhythm of the body functions. Its production is affected by the presence of light. Even a brief exposure to light might affect the production of melatonin. It can also make the production to stop for the entire night if you are exposed to light for a long time during this period of circadian rhythm.When you are tensed up the quality of sleep can be affected. The best thing is for you to relax before going to bed. This will make you to sleep well.

Please make sure you have enough sleep of at least 6-7 hours per day and not only that....but also please follow the normal sleeping hours. That's when you'll have a peaceful deep sleep.

SELAMAT MALAM...... and sleep well


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