31 October 2010

GLAM up your house

Semenjak nak masuk rumah sendiri ni, I banyak jugak la study magazine2 ID. Yela, cuci2 mata and cari idea. Sambil2 berangan la...of course. Yang I selalu beli macam Anjung Seri, Impiana and ID. Previously, "Renovation" by Eric Leong was a good one. Very informative and useful. But I'm not sure if the magz is still in the market. Susah skit nak cari. Maybe only at selected book store kot.

But when I was in IKANO yesterday, as usual,I will drop by at one of the magazine shop. I was strucked by the cover of this "GLAM Deko" magazine. Memang GLAM sangat! I loiikeee! Sebab suka sesangat dengan cover tu, I terus sambar satu.

Balik umah, lepas Iman tido and after booboo left for his Johannian's Reunion, I started flipping through each page of the magazine. Again....I was mesmerized by each house's ID in the magazine. I couldn't resist but to read the stories behind each house's deco. Sangat mengkhayalkan. Bravo GLAM Deko editorial team! You have captured my eyes right from the first page till the end. I didn't miss a single thing in the magazine.

Though benda2 yang ada kat dalam magazine tu semua pricey, since nama pun GLAM kan, but its very inspiring. Tak semestinya nak kena beli yang sebiji macam dalam magazine tu kan. What is more important is gather as much ideas as you can and make it your own according to your budget. So, to those yang nak cari idea for house ID, I really recommend this magazine. As for me, I look forward to next month's edition. I'm a fan!


Kapasa said...

One of the things to look forward to is reading your blog - very simple and very 'you'. keep it up my friend :)

Iza Bakar said...

Thanks Ki. I'M humbled. Keep on reading

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