09 November 2010

Ada apa dengan Lisa?

Just finished watching Lisa Surihani "In person" interview on Astro Awani. So...the big question is..."Ada apa dengan Lisa??" What is so special about her that made her crowned as the Best Actress in the recent FFM?
I have never watched her movies that much except for the 2 that have made her a household name in Malaysia's entertaintment industry, which is "I'm not single" and "Lagenda Budak Setan".

I watched the first one because I wanted to know how did this girl got her "Promising Actress" award in the FFM(can't remember the year). Well...I must say that I was quite sceptical at first. I really think her acting was very amateurish. I was quite sure at that time that her good looks sold the movie. Tapi lepas2 tu, I start watching all her dramas on tv. Somehow, my perception about Lisa's acting changed tremendously. I rasa dia sangat natural dalam watak2 yang dia bawak. And as a woman, I can't help myself but to adore this beautiful creation of ALLAH. Biar apa orang nak cakap pasal Lisa, tapi I rasa dia sangat canteekkkk. I have in fact met her in person, masa kenduri rumah hubby's cousin(Lisa is hubby 2nd cousin), when she was actually in her bare face. Tetap cantik! She's soooo au naturale.
So, put aside the pretty face, I have also watched the latter, "Lagenda Budak Setan". I nak sesangat tengok film ni sebab I dah baca novel ni dulu masa sekolah. Seriously, I tak boley stop baca buku tu. I ended up finishing the book in a day. Nak jugak baca sampai abis.....tak makan....tak boley buat apa2 pun. Suka giler la novel tu. Kan I ni inspired novelist. WALAUPUNNNNN...(bak kata Azwan Ali). kahkahkahkah.
Tapi...macam biasala....since ada anak ni, susah giler nak dapat opportunity nak tengok movie. So, I just got the DVD and watched it at home with Mr.Hubby. I suka giler cerita tu....and Lisa of course. The chemistry between her and Farid Kamil was bona fide.Tapi....macam tak puas tengok Lisa's acting since her character was replaced half way kan.. sebab dah tukar muka lepas accident tu. My favourite Lisa's acting in the movie was masa dia kena pukul teruk dengan Que Haidar tu la. Dahsyattttt.....Real giler! That was hell of a "serious" acting. Tabik springggg!

Ever since I watched this movie, I really think that she is going to stay in this industry. So, back to the interview that I have just watched, I was totally blown away by Lisa's flawless english. Anyway, to those yang tak tengok interview tu, it was in english. That was my first time tengok Lisa cakap omputih. Fuhhh....berabuk! Betul2 terpaku la. Not only with her beauty but also her charisma throughout the interview. She is an epitome of beauty with brain. And most importantly, with talent too. KUDOS to Lisa!

Lisa is here to stay....She has a bright future and so much more to achieve. She's going to blow you away. So....untuk menjawab bonanza question , "Ada apa dengan Lisa Surihani?" A combination of beauty + brain + talent. You go girl!


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