15 December 2010

Working Culture woot???

Wazzuppppppp partay people................Chewahhh, macam happening gilezz je mak ni:)

Lama I senyap kan. Napa eh? Jiwa kacau la.....kacau giler. The feelings of not being recognized / appreciated /apparised accordingly is killing me. Where did all my effort and achievement went to? Longkang ke? What's the point of working so hard to improve the situation when end of the day you are judged by how fit are you or to be precise how many sick leaves you have in a year.

Pelik kan....tapi benar! Sure korang confuse. What does performance appraisal has got to do with my fitness? I keje apa ni? Polis ke? Ker....askar / tentera udara / tentera laut?????
Nooo people. I'm an ordinary 5 days-a-week office working people. My work has nothing to do with physical endurance pun. Dah tu? Apa jadahnye appraise performance I based on my MC? Senang giler la kan buat appraisal macam tu. Even a clerk or SPM leaver could do it.

"Jadi bapak marah yaa???" - source : 3Abdul. Memang marah......what an absurd way to evaluate performance! Have you not learned about the fundamental of management, Ms.Manager / Mr.Senior Manager? Or even on performance appraisal? There should be a balance score between level of adherence and work performance. Or you didn't even go to University, Ms and Mr smart a#s!

Im tired of arguing and fighting for my right! I still remember having a hard talk with THAT someone :

Ms. A : Its very unfortunate that your attendance has affected your rating, even though I have to admit that you are one of those with BRAIN a.k.a SMART here.(blah la.....belit lebey jer)

mE : But I was really sick and I even went to the hospital to get myself thoroughly examined. That shows my seriousness in treating my sickness. And you can access to the medical report if you wish to, since I went to the panel hospital. Isn't that justified?

Ms. A : But, u have to understand that a day of you not being in the office is equivalent to a non-productive day since your work will be done by someone else.

mE : What about people that come to work every single day and do nothing at the office. Or even got consulted many times due to poor performance/discipline issue? You knwo what Im talking about. Its happening here!

Ms. A : I can't comment or do anything about that. This is how Japanese work( jawab dengan senyum segan cos dia sendiri pun rasa jawapan dia bodohhh gilerr)

So.....thats it! Ive got the answer to all my questions. Its the Japanese working culture + my bosses that have no guts to fight for the staffs. Pefect combo!

I'm not going to take this sh*t anymore. Its an insult to my intelligence. Shame on you people who got paid so much only to take bloody Japanese working culture or whatever you call 'em.

I'm out..................


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