26 February 2011

My favourite couple

Im a reality show addict! That's my Saturday confession. Hahahahha. Say I'm crazy or just wasting my time....but come on!!! Im a real people in a real world. I like it real, though reality shows are somewhat edited and directed to certain extent. Boohooo!!!

Speaking of reality shows...my top 3 are Giulliana & Bill(top of my list), The Kardashians, KLS..Life if the Fab Lane. I love The Bachelor, The Bachelorette (tho i think the concept of the show sucks. Can u imagine the feelings of the rejected candidates? And how could you be in love with someone that has kissed or love almost everyone in the show? Insane!), The Apprentice( I love the show, adore Donald Trump tho he's ugly and cocky and of course...the 1st season winner, Bill Rancic). Okay...enough of my favourites shows!

My actual favourite is the handsome couple themselves! Giulliana & Bill. If any of you who isn't sure of who they are...Bill is The Apprentice's 1st season winner. Giulliana , on the other hand is the E-News anchor woman. If Im not mistaken, they first met during an interview done by G. She asked Bill on who he was dating at that time and Bill's answer was he was waiting to ask her out. G went blushing and the rest was history....

They might not be the most beautiful couple in Hollywood, but its just the way they are. Their love for each other is inspiring. Looking at how much they are in love makes me think whether I have done justice to my partner. Have I love enough? hahahahhahaha. Gitew! Takla.... Tapi deorang ni sweet giler. Sangatttt!!! You must watch the way Bill treat her. Sometimes it looks so surreal. Is it all picture perfect? I wonder... And I kept thinking...why can't Malaysian guys see that women love good surprises,romantic treat or beautiful gifts, once in a while. Some people says it down to $$$. But what is $$$ if you are just not romantic at heart? Kahkahkahkahkah

I remember watching their Italian wedding in Capri. The moment when G cried pronouncing the wedding vows. Well....Pamela Anderson / Britney Spears pun maybe nangis masa baca vows tu kan....tapi 3 bulan je kawin. heheheheh. Tapi Giulliana & Bill ni lain la. I feel her sincerity and love for Bill. They are not like any other celebrity couples. Maybe sebab G ni Italian. Lain skit la culture, norm, upbringing semua kan. And how she used to say in their show that she will be married to Bill for a long...long time.
And if you are one of G&B's show fan, they went through great ordeal in conceiving a baby. They went through a lot but always have each other throughout the IVF process. Looking at how supportive they are is just so moving. You know...as a married couple.. .we go through many different problems. Kadang2 kita rasa...bertuahnya deorang ni....duit banyak...rumah besar....travel all over the world....tapi susah pulak nak dapat anak kan. Harta satu dunia pun, if takda anak, marriage is just a plain relationship that binds 2 people together. Seriously.

Macam kita ni....married couple yang biasa2 ni, lain la pulak masalahnye kan. Yang paling selalu....masalah duit ringgit ni la. Other than that...communication breakdown, family interference...to name a few. And we always think that these celebrities life is so purrfect and trouble-free cos they almost can buy the world. But the truth is.....nobody is free from trouble! Thats the reality!
So....be grateful for whatever we have now because even the richest man in the world is not free from trouble. And to all the married couple out there, be supportive to each other! And always cherish your love like the first time you fall in love. But that is if you could.....


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