26 February 2011

Weekend Blogger

Holla beautiful people! Its Saturday again. How time flies kan. Baru lagi rasanya I update my blog last week sambil tengok American Idol. And now....at this very moment, I'm updating my blog from my parent's place. It is such a good feeling waking up on Saturday morning to the smell of your own blood. Wahhh....ganas giler bunyinyer kan. hahahahahha.

This week has been very hectic. Mintak nyawaaaa! Dekat office, dah macam monyet. Lompat sana ....lompat sini. Tak payah la I cerita kat sini kat mana sebenarnya I keja sebenarnya. Just a small hint....I work in an automotive industry and my company has just made their biggest "product update" announcement worldwide. Go figure!

This is 1 of the reasons why I really look forward to this weekend. To make it sweeter, this weekend is going to be a stress free one. Totally! Kenapa???Hmmm...let me just put it as its me,hubby and little ones weekend. If you know what I mean. If you don't...maybe it's better that way. hahhahahahhahah

I need to go now. Hubby is bathing little monster and I'll be dressing her up. Thats how we share house chores. Daaaa!!!!

I'm a happy weekend blogger! Yeayyyyy!!!!


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